Grant Eligibility

The Reboot Representation Tech Coalition is working to double the number of Black, Latina, and Native American women achieving computing bachelor’s degrees by 2025.  The Coalition welcomes grant inquiries from qualified organizations.  Below you will find information about eligibility requirements for all grantees.

Minimum qualifications of programs that are funded by the Coalition:

  • Substantively focused on recruiting or retaining Black, Latina, and/or Native American women to gain college-level computing skills, particularly by using the eight building blocks identified in the Rebooting Representation report
  • Implemented by non-profit organizations who:
    • Have a significant track record (5+ years) of serving Black, Latina, and/or Native American women
    • Are embedded in and trusted by the community they are trying to serve
  • Backed by peer-reviewed research and/or multiple years of impact data, preferably longitudinal data that tracks women from time of intervention until matriculation into post-secondary institutions and/or graduation from post-secondary institution
  • Using culturally responsive pedagogy

The Reboot Representation Tech Coalition will prioritize programs that are:

  • Operating in multiple geographies
  • Leveraging existing organizational infrastructure and/or other funding

Programs that do not meet these criteria are less likely to be considered for funding.  For more information, contact us.